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"Neil LaBute’s IN A DARK DARK HOUSE creates tension from the first line uttered and doesn’t let up until the final word has been pronounced...IN A DARK DARK HOUSE is not only a powerful portrayal of the lasting consequences of abuse, it is also a fascinating study in sibling rivalry, revenge, stunted growth, survival, and the need for security. Excellent performances by Beck and Holland capture the complexity of their characters."-- Laurie Lawson, Electronic Link Journey


"In a Dark Dark House pulls you in from the get-go and doesn’t release its grip until the black out after the final scene.” -- Andrew Andrews,


"Director Sam Helfrich has put together a handsome production. Everything about this production, sound, graphic design, tech execution, is first rate…Knife Edge Productions has put a great deal of thought and effort into this thoroughly up-to-date piece...Neil Holland is simply stunning...SEE IT!" -- Jan Ewing, Hi! Drama


"In a Dark, Dark House” was unsettling, compelling, and incredibly well-acted…It was a play that rubbed me raw and kept me thinking. And for a play like this, that’s one of the best things you can do….The performances from Beck and Holland as the two brothers were top notch…Holland as Terry was particularly compelling. Coming into the play appears to be the classic LaBute “macho man’s man” type, it becomes more and more clear that there is more to him than what meets the eye and Holland navigates that beautifully…Krystal Tavarez is great as Jennifer. She brings a vibrant energy to a pivotal scene in the play…The actors, as well as director Sam Helfrich, use the discomfort of the play strategically and to great effect." -- Max Berry, OnStage Blog

"Mr. Holland plays the older brother with constantly coiled anger and a cold skeptical glare. As the younger of the pair Mr. Beck is needy and frightened and in serious trouble…It takes an unexpected turn in the second scene as we are introduced to the 15 year old overseer of a putt-putt golf course (played with effective impact by the excellent Krystal Tavarez) that surprisingly plays an important turn in the plot. Again, not going to spoil here, see the production. Director Sam Helfrich has framed the work well and managed the reveals carefully. Technical credits are excellent effectively portraying the three outdoor scenes with minimal settings. The shallow stage forces the action very close to the audience…It is presented by Knife Edge Productions, led by lead actor Neil Holland. We are lucky he recognized what a good fit this role would be for him and his company. Sign up to watch what this company does going forward and definitely see this production before it closes on December 21." -- Walter Thinnes

Opening night of "In a Dark Dark House" -- Broadway World

Neil LaBute joins the cast and director of "In a Dark Dark House" for a post-show talk back -- Broadway World


"My four-star rating is a tribute to the very fine work accomplished by director Shira-Lee Shalit and her cast.  The master acting teachers talk about relaxation and listening as keys to great acting.  This team reaches the golden goal post of “living on stage” in this production.  They are relaxed and listen to each other, without cue to cue talk too often seen in today’s theater.  Mr. Belber has spun a clever web of plot twists that you won’t see coming.  I like it when I can’t guess whodunnit." -- Elise Marenson, The Front Row Center


"Holland and Reuben do fine work as two men falling out of love with each other. Puzzo is bold and magnetic -- he is therapist, clairvoyant, devil’s advocate, and drunken divorcée with equal skill and pluck. Puzzo is a bull in a china shop and a ballerina; the audience surrenders to his dance. Danelle Eliav handles her role with poise and honesty, however small it may be. Fault Lines is a treatise on loyalty, betrayal, and morality in seedy bars. Belber has carved a good play, verging on great. The carnage from a dying friendship makes for gripping theater." -- Bianca Garcia, Stage Buddy


"As Jim and Bill respectfully, Neil Holland and Chaz Reuben had a nice blend of familiarity and void. Holland as the Peter Pan like Jim played up the man who doesn’t want to grow up role quite nicely, even when his scheme was in play. Reuben’s skeptical Bill was a great foil often dominating the scenes. Upon his entrance, Michael Puzzo as Joe, the stranger with a motive, won the audience over with his hilarity and energy...Shalit highlighted all of the strong elements at the right moments. Shalit’s staging was natural, not asking her actors to move for the sake of movement. The gorgeous set design by Nick Francone evoked the spirit of a schlocky bar...Fault Lines is a gem of a production. With a poignant script and well-rounded ensemble, Fault Lines will get you pondering the value of your own friendships." -- Michael Block, Theatre in the Now


"This revival offers the combination of a strong cast and Shira-Lee Shalit’s intuitive staging, reinforcing an already well-crafted script...Fault Lines is smartly crafted. Its talented cast and crew have done a remarkable job bringing the characters to life. Every artist involved clearly put a great deal of love and care into mounting this production; their dedication definitely paid off." -- Sarah Weber, Theatre is Easy


Interview: Kathleen Hays and Vonnie Quinn -- The Hays Advantage" -- Bloomberg Radio **Interview starts at 24:25**


Bobby Cannavale, Richard Kind, David Zayas, Reed Birney, John Patrick Shanley, Lyle Kessler and more visit FAULT LINES -- Broadway World


Tape Named Favorite Play of 2011 -- Sandra Mardenfeld, Show Showdown


"Both Holland and DiPaolo played off one another very well, and I very much believed them in their roles...they seemed to really physically inhabit these roles instead of just playing characters -- even the silences and beats between lines just felt right with all of them in the room, distant from one another and yet having so much history between them." -- Jessica Taghap, The Resident Artist


"The play doesn’t cover new ground but delivers in ripe material and performances. Tape comes alive with a vengeful force..." -- Sahar Helmy,


"A well-designed set, skilled director, and convincing cast give life to this revival which examines the questions of memory of perception." -- Adrienne Urbanski, Theatre is Easy


"Don DiPaolo (Vince) and Neil Holland (Jon) are great together as two best frenemies. Helfrich’s production of “Tape” is a compelling and entertaining hour and a half that will take you back to that special place where memories and made and revenge plots are hatched." -- Will Kenton,


"Stephen Belber's Tape is a riveting one-act and the three-person cast is uniformly excellent." -- John Peacock,


Opening night of alongside actor Bobby Cannavale and playwrights Stephen Belber and Stephen Adly Guirgis. -- TheatreMania


Opening night alongside actor Bobby Cannavale, playwrights Stephen Belber and Stephen Adly Guirgis, and directors Sam Helfrich and Lucie Tiberghien -- Broadway World


Interview: Molly Marinik -- Theatre Is Easy




Interview: Kathleen Hays -- "The Hays Advantage" -- Bloomberg Radio


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